A Solid Waste Authority made up of North Georgia Counties
for the purpose of promoting safe solid waste handling through education, recycling and composting
The North Georgia Resource Management Authority was created in 1994. This Authority allowed counties to work regionally to
handle existing solid waste issues, to provide for solid waste to be properly and economically diverted from landfill waste
streams, to explore potential opportunities, to maximize resources and to expand existing programs. In 1997 Banks
County became a member and in 2000 the Authority became the second regional Keep America Beautiful Affiliate in the State
of Georgia under the name "Keep Our Mountains Beautiful". To date the Authority has brought its members
over $1,800,000.00 in grant funds and has won ten awards. The North Georgia Resource Management Authority began the
first Regional Recycling Co-operative in the state of Georgia in 2005. By working together as a region we are able to collect
more materials and market them successfully.

For up to date information on our activities and handy hints, please visit our "Keep Our Mountains Beautiful" FaceBook Page
For more information on the North Georgia Resource Management Authority, please contact: Leslie George, Executive Director 150 Hudson Ridge, Suite 1, Homer, GA 30547 706-318-5448 or email me at ngrma.lesliegeorge@gmail.com For more information
on Keep Our Mountains Beautiful please contact: Ashley Rubio, Community Outreach Coordinator 108 Old Jail Street,
Homer, GA 30547 706-973-9841 or email Ashley at komb.ashleyrubio@gmail.com
Commissioner Lamar Paris
- Chairman - Union County Commissioner Jimmy Hooper -Vice Chair- Banks County Larry Garrett - Union County James Dumas - Banks County
Keep Georgia Beautiful
Keep America Beautiful
For information on volunteering to work at a special event or program we offer, please contact
Leslie George at ngrma.lesliegeorge@gmail.com. We would love to have you join us in our efforts to minimize waste and litter
in our counties. We are always looking for new ideas and projects. We hope you will share your ideas on ways we can be of
more help to you in these areas.